Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Cell Phones for Life

If you are anything like me, you keep your cell phone in your pocket next to your genitals all day long. When it's not in my pocket, it's charging next to my brain as I sleep. The only time it is off is when I am hungover, at the beach or my battery has died. I'm not a hypochondriac but am I the only person on Earth that is mildly worried about a long battle with nut cancer all because I wanted to play brickbreaker and text my friends? Check out these levels:

20 Highest Radiation Cell Phones

SAR (specific absorption rate) is an indication of the amount of radiation that is absorbed into a head whilst using a cellular phone, the higher the SAR rating the more radiation that is absorbed into the head.

I blame Zach Morris. He started this.

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