Thursday, June 3, 2010

Newsday, Everyday

I work at Newsday...everyday. Working in the Newsday library has been a rewarding experience. This year and a half, I have helped reporters with their stories and typed up 15,309 press releases. In the new Newsday commercials on Cablevision, there's a part where Sandra Peddie is looking through microfilm so she can get some sort of scoop. RIGHT NEXT to that microfilm is Bob Doda's desk. ...and that my friends is how cool I am.

Go to :24 seconds in this video to see my desk (blue lamp, yellow post-it note)

1 comment:

  1. My question is... How far does Sandra Peddie's committment to capturing a story go? Would Sandra Peddie, say, put out to get a story?

    Pose this hypothetical to Sandra next time you are sitting next to her at your desk with the blue lamp...

    "Sandra, if a high ranking, well informed government official contacted you and said he would disclose who shot JFK if you bent over and let him do you doggystyle on camera, would you put out for the scoop?"

    Here's how I look at it...
    A) Sandra's enthusiasm in that commercial would have been fake if she responds with disgust and an emphatic no.
    B) Sandra's committment is real if she says she'd drop her panties if he had plausible evidence.
    C) Sandra is the type of reporter I'm looking for if she answers: "Are you as well informed as you are well endowed?
