Monday, June 29, 2009

R.I.P. Billy Mays

I saw a documentary about Billy Mays about a month ago on the discovery channel involving a series of days in which Mays was pitching products. One product was some shock absorbent gel which was so strong, he allowed a truck to run over his hand with no injury. That is some display and he will always have my respect. I'm also a big fan of the Sham-Wow guy, Vince Offer. The Slap-Chop commercial is one of my favorites. Here is an interview on the Adam Corolla Radio Show with Mays speaking about Vince "Sham-Wow" Offer.

Liam Neeson's wife Natasha Richardson died after falling on a bunny slope. Mays died after a harsh landing at an airport. Take my advice: protect your domes people. One more of these whacky deaths, we'll need a 16-hour-a-day helmet clause adopted to the United States Constitution.

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