Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Play Simon

Simon made by Neave Games

Y - Yellow
G - Green
B - Blue
R - Red


  1. As a faithful reader of the Digibook, I'd like to request that this doeesn't become a hub for shady links and excessive Phish talk. This Play Simon link was a huge letdown for a Digibook posting. Boo this man.

    On a side note, the reoccuring joke we currently have about a certain someone is catching on like wildfire... Told two friends about it and it KILLED. Now, every ex-girlfriend is involved in the nightly comedy routine. "Right now, (blank) and (blank) are fucking to a giant poster of (fill in the blank)"

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZSqRntHIQMM

    You mess with Silent Hill yet?
