Friday, June 12, 2009

The More Things Change

Michael Jackson has died. Here are my top 5 favorite MJ songs
5) Leave Me Alone
4) Don't Stop Till You Get Enough
3) Human Nature
2) The Way You Make Me Feel
1) Wanna Be Startin Something

But let's be honest with ourselves for a minute. This is a guy that was on trial twice for child molestation. Was it an elaborate scheme to get Jackson's loot or was he actual serving Jesus Juice in the Neverland Ranch? Either way, when the late Ed Bradley asks you on 60 Minutes whether it's okay to bring children into your bed, the answer is always, "No." Instead, Michael says, "Absolutely." ( Come on, Mikey Boy. With that said, every good party has a few MJ tracks in circulation. That's never been disputed.

Why the Rangers lost (no particular order)
-Because they are team full of solid players with no gamebreaker.
-Lundqvist cannot make every save and score every goal.
-Avery's antics in game 4 might have cost them game 5
-Donald Brashear is a talentless douchebag who broke Blair Betts' orbital bone in game 6
-2 shots on goal in the 3rd period of game 7 vs. the caps

I had the distinct pleasure of witnessing games 3 and 4 with my brother Ronaldo Da and Vincent Edward Taurassi. Before game 3, I get a text from Vin saying something along the lines of: "My sister went into labor, not sure if I'm going to make it to the game." As we all know, Lorraine Baines McSlermbo and Michael Q. McSlermbo were anxioiusly awaiting their first born. Vin wound up coming to the game and hitching a ride back with yours truly to Stony Brook Hospital along with Dr. Cheryl Taurassi. It was on that car ride through a monsoon on a dreary 4/20 (!) night that the McDerrmott's welcomed a Leila on to Planet Earffffff.

A few quick notes on the Phish summer tour:
- The three shows I saw at Jones Beach were some of the best I have ever seen.
- I sold my Bonnaroo ticket after a long debate with my conscience.
- The new songs being debuted have been exciting to hear. The approaching album release with producer Steve Lillywhite is setting itself up to be full of future fan favorites.
-If anyone would like to download any of these shows go to He has a ton of live music and downloadable albums too. I recommend WinRAR to extract files.

Harmon's Wedding
I wanted to take this time to say congrats to Bryan "Christ" Harmon and his beautiful bride Soojin. I've known Bryan since he used to no-hit Little League baseball teams and I feel really bad about not being a part of this special day.

For Cavy
Vash has a new YouTube Intro for his channel that I thought you would appreciate.

Random Links
Still can't crack 70 word per minute
"Your speed was: 64wpm."
This is a pretty useless site that allows one on one chat with a randomly selected stranger somewhere on the globe. The chat log looks something like this:

Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: The rain in spain falls mainly on the plain..
You: You try...
Stranger: the snow doesnt grow, the arctic tends to glow
You: The life of the wife was ended by the knife
Stranger: the creep of the deep will sleep in the keep
You: Mini-Wheats are sweet when you're rolling crew deep
Stranger: that willow aint no pillow,
You: hahaha... good game. Peace.


Connecting to server...
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You: Hello. Have you ever played smerce before?
Stranger: nope
You: because I have special
Stranger: special what?
You: Triple threat ladder match??
Stranger: yeah.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.

Useless and creepy. Check it out.

Some pics from Cape Cod and over the past few months


  1. Stranger: nope
    You: because I have special
    Stranger: special what?

    HAHAHAHA.... special what? HAHAHAHA. That was reeeeeaaaal good.

    So as you know, we just got back from Puerto Rico... Smithtown and Emory worlds collide. Vin is utterly convinced that my boy Brooks is your doppleganger, kind of like Snake/Boss. You should inquire further with Vin on his theory...

    Insanity channel dude has more fun gaming than anyone on the planet.

    Please, can everyone stop sending and posting pics of Mike's little girl? How am I supposed to hook up with her in 17 years looking at pics like that...

    MJ top 5:
    5. Billie Jean
    4. Jam
    3. Thriller
    2. Leave Me Alone
    1. Smooth Criminal

  2. How can you not elaborate on the legacy of the King of Pop? He has had more influence on current music than any artist bar none. We have yet to move on from the Michael Jackson era, and we may not for some time. Every pop act since has simply imitated his performance, that goes for ALL R&B artists as well...give me a break with Timberlake, Neyo, Usher, all MJ wannabe's. Impossible to make a definitive top five, I'm impressed you both the 'smooth criminal' call as well as bob's 'wanna be startin somethin' and 'don't stop til you get enough'.

    Because I have special...classic HAHAHAHAHHAHA old school 'ALOL' deserving.
