Monday, August 10, 2009

Quick Summer Syndrome

It's August 10, 2009. Tomorrow, I'll be dressed like a mad scientist again for Halloween and next week, I'll be at the Jubilee Bar in the Poconos celebrating the New Year/Decade. Soon, the summer will be gone and I have yet to do a cannonball into someone's backyard pool and there has not been a legitimate Dodapalooza in the summer of 2009...

Let's all try our hardest to stretch these last few weeks of shorts and t-shirts out longer than my... a rubber band. Even though I burn like a Brazilian rain forest, I still consider myself to be tropical by nature. A few pairs of shorts, some flops, a bag of SPF 45 and a few coronas is all I need to survive. Therefore, my personal goal that I present to the public and to anyone that reads this is to be living in Southern California by the winter of 2015. Why 2015? Because that's the year Marty McFly travels to in Back to the Future Part II.

Summers used to fly by because grade school or another semester was always right around the corner; a constant countdown to the inevitable. I remember the last days of summer before going back to school vividly. It was painful to let go of cushy summer jobs like working at the Smithtown Landing Country Club Pool or camp counseling at Hidden Pond Park (I set a world record for saying the word, "Go" atop the slide at Landing with no injuries or fatalities). School meant the end of summer romances and the beginning of trumpet lessons with a side of locker combination.

So why are summers flying by? Maybe the Earth is spinning faster. Maybe the older you get, the more you have to accept the things you cannot change.

Come February, I may pull an 'Andy Dufrane' and fix up a boat off the Zihuatanejo coast.

1 comment:

  1. "School meant the end of summer romances and the beginning of trumpet lessons with a side of locker combination."

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA... What summer romances? Gettin jacked off by Snowy with the lights off under the blankets doesn't count.

    Trumpets for lyfe.

    Was recently at a mixed martial arts fight... A fight broke out in the crowd, no fucking joke, and it wasn't broken up for a solid 2 minutes. After security rushed in, a guy about 3 seats over from me says to his friend: "What were those guys thinking?" I immediately thought: You gotta think. Then, I thought that I should have thought: Think about it. The funny thing is nobody will understand this except you.

    Think About It.
    You Gotta Think.
