Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thoughts from the lunch break

I'm in the News 12 Interactive offices in Woodbury eating fresh pineapple and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Some thoughts:

- Sean Avery returns to the New York Rangers after being released by Dallas. It should be interesting to see how MSG and opposing players react to this development. If it were up to me, he would have been a blueshirt at the beginning of the season.

- I decided to submit my resume to NBC for their 'news associate' year-long program. It would be 'the dream'. I would mentored and assistant to an NBC NEWS reporter. They will probably get 100,000 resumes but you have to be in it to win it.

- Kids are getting hipper. A blonde I know told me that she saw a bunch of 5-year-olds skateboarding while blackberrying the other day. They had hair product and were listening to 'Shiny Toy Guns'. When I was 5, my life was Cris Cross Crash.

- I've been getting printed in Newsday in the Part II section every two weeks through the 'Futurecorps' program. If you subscribe or see a Newsday, you should probably check it out.

- Derek Downing gets married in T-Minus 4 days. Unbelievable. Seems like only yesterday we were going stag to the junior prom in a stretch '57 Chevy. Good Luck, D-Block. You too, Janine.

- Daniel Day Lewis is the greatest actor of my generation.

- I don't know one person that saw Slumdog Millionare.

- My men's league ice hockey team stinks. It's tough times for the Knights. We have a core of committed players (myself included). But all of our superstars only show up when it's convenient for them. Who cares if the games are at 2AM in Kings Park? Where's your heart at. Follow the knights at www.midnighthockey.com

- Spring is practically hours away and their is 14 feet of snow on the ground. Heavy snow, not the powdered sugar type. Here I am with sunblock on my nose and a corona...I step outside with my umbrella and beach ball...and it's snowing. All I want is some flops on my feet and 212 degrees Kelvin in the air. I'm sorry to say but I am pro-global warming.

Top 3 types of Pizza
- Buffalo Chicken with Bleu Cheese
- White
- Sausage/Roni

- Phish plays their first show in five years on Friday, March 6 at the Hampton Coliseum in Virginia.

I have to get back to work. Enjoy your week and remember:

Sometimes you shine the box, sometimes the box shines you.


  1. Look, I get that its a blog... But do some editing, man. Reading this was like getting jacked off by a chick with no hands. Sure, it seemed like a good idea, and maybe you had some fun, but you knew something was missing.

    Saw Slumdog. It was decent. The chick grown up is saucy, I'd pepper her up. Overall, its skippable. The ending is overtly a happy ending, its gay.

    I like Avery coming back but something is fundamentally flawed with this Rangers squad... Can't put my finger on it...

    Kids are definitely getting hipper, if only because my buddies sister (Who is 17) told me she lost her virginity at 13, and nobody in on the conversation missed a beat. If 13 is acceptable, then things have changed. For the better. Just for clarification purposes, I'm not a pedophile.

    Spring has already arrived in Atlanta. It will be 70 degrees this weekend. Reason number 1,237,490,872,307,423 why its better to live in the South.

    DDL for best actor? Morgan Freeman will be rolling over in his grave in 10 years.

    We gotta discuss developments.

  2. For some reason, my spell check wasn't working.
