Saturday, March 28, 2009

What is Bob Doda doing? IV

Currently, I'm listening to Bridge Over Troubled Water by Simon and Garfunkel because my men's league ice hockey team just got bumped from the playoff picture for the third consecutive season. Knights hockey has no reached a new low, and I'm a little sad about it.

Anyway. Now that you're all in a good mood, I'll tell you about my new, exciting career. I'm working in the editorial newsroom at the Newsday offices in Melville. I'm working a 6 hour day; imputing information from press releases that wind up in the part II "Explore Long Island" section of the paper and on the Newsday website. At the same time, I still have the Futurecorps articles published bi-weekly...sometimes tri-weekly. This is not exactly what I want to do at Newsday. I know I can do much more, but my foot is literally in the door. Start small, think big. Last year at this time, I was pushing amalgam separators (don't ask) to dentists. Now, I'm on my way to being the next Walter Cronkite.

Due to labor laws, I was not able to keep my job at News 12 Interactive because Cablevision is the parent company of both entities. So, it was either temp at News 12 or get guaranteed hours at Newsday. I don't think I had much of a choice.

So, I'm still at home. Cliche basement room/lounge and three squares a day. Everyone I know is moving in with their boyfriend/girlfriends and if you're Greg Scandariato, you're asking long-time girlfriend Emily for her hand in marriage. My best friend on the planet, who I need to see more of, is tying the knot. Same goof ball, new responsibilities. Dogwood STAND UP. I guess I'm just not ready to make these commitments.

At this point, I'm just glad the winter is over. Is there anything worse than being cold? Mid-Spring/Early Summer...hoodie and shorts featuring flops...light t-shirt + jeans featuring flops...there is nothing better. I would never survive in the Yukon Territory.

(Speaking of jeans) I had a notion the other day at 'Overtime', a pub near my Smithtown home. 97% of the people there on this particular Friday night were wearing denim jeans; all different shades of blue. Since when did jeans corner the market for the planet? Does anybody else think it's strange that jeans seem to be the only option for people off the clock (myself included)? If I remember correctly, greasers in the 50's were rocking jeans, so I guess they are to blame. You never hear about jeans in the 30's or 40's. Just an unimportant, not exactly funny observation.

I haven't exactly reached Madoff numbers yet, but I'm trying. Until then, enjoy these pictures of New York City during St. Patty's Day.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thoughts from the lunch break

I'm in the News 12 Interactive offices in Woodbury eating fresh pineapple and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. Some thoughts:

- Sean Avery returns to the New York Rangers after being released by Dallas. It should be interesting to see how MSG and opposing players react to this development. If it were up to me, he would have been a blueshirt at the beginning of the season.

- I decided to submit my resume to NBC for their 'news associate' year-long program. It would be 'the dream'. I would mentored and assistant to an NBC NEWS reporter. They will probably get 100,000 resumes but you have to be in it to win it.

- Kids are getting hipper. A blonde I know told me that she saw a bunch of 5-year-olds skateboarding while blackberrying the other day. They had hair product and were listening to 'Shiny Toy Guns'. When I was 5, my life was Cris Cross Crash.

- I've been getting printed in Newsday in the Part II section every two weeks through the 'Futurecorps' program. If you subscribe or see a Newsday, you should probably check it out.

- Derek Downing gets married in T-Minus 4 days. Unbelievable. Seems like only yesterday we were going stag to the junior prom in a stretch '57 Chevy. Good Luck, D-Block. You too, Janine.

- Daniel Day Lewis is the greatest actor of my generation.

- I don't know one person that saw Slumdog Millionare.

- My men's league ice hockey team stinks. It's tough times for the Knights. We have a core of committed players (myself included). But all of our superstars only show up when it's convenient for them. Who cares if the games are at 2AM in Kings Park? Where's your heart at. Follow the knights at

- Spring is practically hours away and their is 14 feet of snow on the ground. Heavy snow, not the powdered sugar type. Here I am with sunblock on my nose and a corona...I step outside with my umbrella and beach ball...and it's snowing. All I want is some flops on my feet and 212 degrees Kelvin in the air. I'm sorry to say but I am pro-global warming.

Top 3 types of Pizza
- Buffalo Chicken with Bleu Cheese
- White
- Sausage/Roni

- Phish plays their first show in five years on Friday, March 6 at the Hampton Coliseum in Virginia.

I have to get back to work. Enjoy your week and remember:

Sometimes you shine the box, sometimes the box shines you.