Monday, January 26, 2009

Harry Hood and UFO's

Trey Anastasio of 'Phish' wrote Harry Hood because there was a huge HOOD sign across the street from his apartment in the late 80's. It read: "You can feel good about Hood," and if you have drank milk in the last 100 years or been to a grocery store, you have seen Hood gallons before. So, I won this Myspace/Youtube contest and The McLovin's learned and practiced 'Harry Hood' in Bob Doda's honor. If you can't stand Phish, fast forward to the very end to hear the shout out I get. Honestly, it's a thrill.
Check it. - The McLovin's - Harry Hood

Let's talk Obama UFO for 2 seconds....

Now, I feel the same way Mulder did on the X-Files... I want to believe. I think this is staggering footage. Some theories I have heard:

1) It's a bird.

2) CNN made this themselves to create internet traffic at a time when competition between networks is tooth and nail.....especially on Inauguration Day.
3) It's little green god damn men.

If you have any other theories be my guest to comment. What a fascinating story it would be if it were real.


  1. Here's my theory...

    Cnn has figured out a way to digitize Michelle Obama's thoughts. Stay with me...

    Barack has to deal with a recession, 2 wars, dems/repubs, and everything else on earth
    After a hard days work, he's spent and needs some release. So he pounds Michelle into oblivion in the bedroom.

    That's a screenshot of what Michelle is seeing in her head after Barack goes to town on her. Barack and ufo's.
